Sunday, September 28, 2008

Just Married!

Here is a picure of my new husband and I in Steamboat this summer after our wedding

Trying It Out

This is my first real experience with blogs. I have read many of them, but have never really posted any responses, or created my own blog.

I think that this can be such a neat tool to use in the classroom, but the logistics of it seems a little overwhelming at this point. I have 2 computers in my classroom, and many of my students do not have access to a computer at home. I think that it would be neat to have them post things to a class blog, but am not sure how that would work with only 2 computers. For now, I think that it would be fun to start with having the students post an entry when they complete a book (as several other people suggested), and just have the computers in the room up for students to rotate through.

I am also trying to think of ways that we could use the blog as we start our new poetry unit...Randy showed us how to do the podcasting and use Photo Story, and I would like to try that - maybe with the blog as well?